Secondary raw material

Due to the demographic development, the demand for goods and the necessary raw materials is constantly increasing. Already in the 1970s, it was recognized that the commercial mineral reserves or stocks of non-renewable raw materials are finite and insufficient to meet the needs of the population in the long term.
From an economic point of view, the constant price increase of raw materials with their increasing scarcity and increasing demand is a logical consequence. The only possibility of counteracting the spiraling price and the absolute consumption of the remaining raw material reserves is to reduce the need of virgin raw materials.

The scarcity of goods represents the basic economic problem and, at the same time, the origin of economic activity. Both the reuse and recycling of secondary raw materials represent enormous potential for reducing costs, develop additional sources of raw materials and simultaneously protect existing raw material reserves.
If the recovered secondary plastic is used for production of other products, it is called recycling. In case the quality of the secondary raw material is increased in the process of plastics recycling by adding certain additives or by using advanced process technologies, it is known as upcycling.

The recycling in connection with upcycling of plastics are the areas in which our company specializes. Through close cooperation with various raw material sources of mixed plastics and regrinds, we are their link to our partners of the recycling industry who are specialized in the separation and processing of plastics. The recovered secondary plastic, the re-granulate, is tested in the laboratory to ensure constant quality and can be used for production of new products.

In case you have mixed plastics or regrinds available you would like to sell, or in case you have demand of re-granulates for your own production, please do not hesitate contact us.
We are pleased to provide you an individual offer.

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